d-tech grants
Fill out the brief
Please, prepare files, required for the participation, upload them on Google.Disk and give us an access to it (if password is required - attach it in comments) and fill in the brief step by step.

Files required to upload (in any format):
1. Formal approvement of your participation in collaboration with KM3Net (for example application form or acceptance form)
2. Letter consisting dissertation topic declaration by your scientific director
3. Brief description of researching goals
Attach a link to the file (this can be an application form, an acceptance form, or something else)
Attach a link to the file (the file format does not matter)
Attach a link to the file (the file format does not matter)
Which is preferred for your research?
For example, December 2024
Willingness to sign an agreement to mention the company that issued the grant with a link to the website